"Surrealism is the magical surprise upon finding a lion in the closet where one wanted to get a shirt" - Frida Kahlo

Wednesday, July 16

Listening to stars

thousand ideas running through my head at the speed of light and I can't stop one of them. at least one. register. bottons, strings and bottons plated gold. melodies. I can't stop one at least one. stardust, led & paint. fused together equals... what? persistant pain. heat. the heat and the bones. blue. the hammer. I stoped one of them. sound. paper, shelves and walls. she sang, keep them, the walls, from falling as they all come tumbbling in. registered. walls, metal and paper fused together in a photograph! Not black & white but coloured. blue or purple. grey the color of metal. gotsha! window on a grey day. no shades. no sun. moon & shadows.

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