"Surrealism is the magical surprise upon finding a lion in the closet where one wanted to get a shirt" - Frida Kahlo

Saturday, February 7

The memory of running...

If I close my eyes, I can visualize the feeling of misguidance. The colour of the trail, doesn't fit the plans I don't make. The same events stuffed in a slightly different order each day, make me want to run... away. My feet are finally on the ground. If I start, will I remember how to stop?



Senhora Dona Mé said...

hummm... sei de *alguém* que anda a ler esse livro..! ;P

Vivianne in Berlin said...

Fico contente em saber q"alguém" anda a ler este livro. É mto bom. O titulo é perfeito, encaixa perfeitamente no sentimento...